<img src="/icons/help-alternate_pink.svg" alt="/icons/help-alternate_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Explore our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to find the answers to your questions here.
Please click the arrows on the toggled questions to see the answers below.
The 2025 Competition
The Eligibility
- The competition is for teams with 2-4 members.
- All team members should be at least 18 years of age at the moment of registration.
- Participants in a team may be enrolled at different universities; however, the team must select one university you are enrolled in to represent. All students should be registered in the university's undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, or PhD/DPhil degree program. Any changes to a team must be in writing, unanimous, and approved by the Hult Prize Foundation at its sole discretion. Participants can only be registered on one Team at a time.
- Additional eligibility inquiries.
The 2025 Competition
The Timeline & Process
The Scorecard
Local Competition
1. How do teams register for the Local Competition, and how do they advance to the next stages of the Competition?
2. How do I know if my university has a Local Competition?
3. How can Local Competition organizers track team registrations?
4. When is the deadline to compete in my university's Local Competition?
5. How many judges will be in my university’s Local Competition?
6. Can the Campus Director and the local organizers select the winners of the Local Competition?
7. What are the mandatory Submissions & deadlines for OnCampus Teams competing in a Local Competition?
8. What happens after we officially submit our Submissions?
9. Can I compete in my Local Competition as a Campus Director or Organizing Committee member?
Competition Submissions
1. What is the Hult Prize Digital Learning Hub?
2. What do I have to submit in my application to enter?
3. Are submissions mandatory?
4. Do we have to submit documents in English?
5. How do I upload my submissions and submit my application?
6. What is AcceleratorApp? How do I create an account?
7. How can I make changes to the team information?
8. How can my team change already uploaded submissions on the AcceleratorApp Portal?
9. What is the deadline to submit the competition submissions on AcceleratorApp?
Open Application
1. Who can apply to Open Application?
2. When is the deadline to apply through Open Application?
3. What happens after we officially submit our application?
4. We’ve been asked to resubmit documents, is this normal?
5. Is diversity a factor in deciding the selected startups from Open Application?
6. What are the diversity criteria that the Hult Prize considers?
Qualifying for the Nationals
1. How do I secure a ticket to be eligible for the Nationals?
2. What are the Hult Prize 2025 Nationals this year?
3. How many Startups from Local Competition and Open Application rounds will move on to the Nationals?
4. What if my team did NOT win a Local Competition or did NOT get selected through the Open Application?
5. When and how will I know if my team has been selected for the Nationals phase?
6. Do we know the host cities and dates of the 2025 Nationals?
7. If my startup is selected to compete in the Nationals, can we pick a Nationals to attend?
8. Will the Hult Prize Foundation cover my travel expenses?
9. What are some potential solutions for addressing the lack of funding to travel to 2025 National?
Nationals Stage
More FAQs about Nationals will be added soon.
Please come back to check this page often.
1. How do you confirm your spot at a national you have been invited to?
2. What are the Nationals submissions?
3. What is the minimum number of team members required to attend the Nationals?
4. What happens if we cannot attend the Nationals we were invited to?
5. Do all team members have to speak in our pitch?
6. What is the pitch format of the Hult Prize 2025 Nationals?
7. What will the winners of the Hult Prize 2025 Nationals get?
<img src="/icons/checkmark_pink.svg" alt="/icons/checkmark_pink.svg" width="40px" /> **We hope that this Hult Prize 2025 Competitor Guidebook was helpful.
If you don’t see the answer to your question here, please reach out to us accordingly:**
- Open Application: Email us at [email protected], including your startup name, university name, and team captain’s full name.
- OnCampus Program: Please reach out to your Campus Director first for specific information about your Local Competition. If they are not responsive, reach out to us via [email protected]
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If you wish to make a appeal, please follow read our section below
Hult Prize Competition Appeal Process